Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Choose Them!

Since morning, I was feeling a bit lethargic and sleepy. But it was rather mental than physical. Procrastination, inactivity and sapping self-confidence had taken their toll. Usually I am not among those who get disheartened very easily still it was gloom all over in my mind. It was with this mindset that I reached my office. Later due to some official work, I had to visit a gentleman, an old acquaintance. Though much older in age, he was agile and jovial. Soon I took leave of him with a positive state of mind. I guess his energy was contagious.
On my way back I was feeling good about things around. Suddenly I realized that I wasn’t happy at all earlier in the day. And I had then supposed that I might remain so throughout the day. But now, I recognized that all those reasons for my not-so-happy mindset had obscured into nothingness. I pushed my mind to get into that again but it didn’t happen.
It was then that a thought flitted through my mind: Was my low-spirited state of mind a deliberate choice? Did I myself choose misery over joy for my own self? Does everyone do the same?
I was really perplexed as I had read many a times: ‘Our thoughts make our mind’.

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